There are open discussions ongoing that in the near future, the SHTF in America. As more and more people are finding themselves stretching an already over taxed paycheck, and not being able to meet all the basic needs of their families. The working class has slipped, plunging many low the poverty line in America for years.
The possible causation of the next SHTF, differs from person to person, generation to generation and even differs in economic levels. No matter the cause, man-made events or natural disaster, preparation is crucial. Being ready for any collapse takes planning, investing, hard work and the want to lead a more sustainable lifestyle.
Basically, there are two categories of issues that will lead to the next SHTF. Either man-made issues or natural events.
The possible causation of the next SHTF, differs from person to person, generation to generation and even differs in economic levels. No matter the cause, man-made events or natural disaster, preparation is crucial. Being ready for any collapse takes planning, investing, hard work and the want to lead a more sustainable lifestyle. Basically, there are two categories of issues that will lead to the next SHTF. Either man-made issues or natural events. The Great Depression shows a good example of what happens when no
governmental control allows the wealthy to run amok. The greatest cause
of the economic collapse being greed. Banks and traders invested
people's money, making a tidy sum for themselves. The traders bore none
of the risks of investment. New laws later that prevented traders to
ransack personal savings accounts and sell at a profit, but not having
to share with clients. When word got out that major traders were
swapping out investments there was a run on Wall Street and the banks.
While many make a lot of money, none of the clients profited. It took
years for the United States to recover from Black Tuesday. And the
ripple effect caused financial instability globally for decades. Other possible man-made causes are war, unemployment, governmental
shutdown, financial collapse, urban flight, corporate welfare, and
national debt.
Some possible natural causes are electrical grid failure, water drought, weather, solar flare, flooding and crop failure. While these are out of man's control, but preparing in some way for survival is necessary. By properly storing away money, food, medical supplies, water, fuel and seed every person can make a setback, large enough to support or survive if a natural disaster struck. Ideally, at least a set back large enough to supply your family size, for long enough out last any hardship.
The basic issue of concern, is how long to prepare for, either short-term or long-term. Both come with obstacles to overcome. But, just getting started is a good idea.
Short term preparations are for short periods of time. Usually involve staying in one's home, instead of fleeing; so locating or building shelter is not necessary
Preparations for Short Term:
First Aid or Medical Supplies
Stock Pile of Food
Self protection
Long Term Preparations are for periods longer than 2 weeks. May include staying in one's home but fleeing for a bug out shelter or safe housing could happen.
With long-term preparations these items need stocking up:
Money or barter and trade items
Tools, more than just emergency
Medical supplies for long-term
Fuel for vehicles, home, and generators
Enough food to sustain the family, until the garden grows, and a meal plan
Self protection
A good water source, water purification kits
Toiletries, diapers, laundry soap, paper towels
Transportation, water, a garden, greenhouse, tools, protection gear, survival gear, clothing all become issues.
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