When to Start Preparing
National Debt And the War MachineThere is a saying, "Don't write a check, your butt can't cash". Seems to apply here. Between the costs of the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, over spending in Washington by our elected officials, and increased cost of living across America, sooner or later the lid is going to blow off that boiling pot.
Big businesses in America, are making money on the War Machine. Using tax payers dollars to fund the War Machine, that in turn creates profits for the few at the top of the money line and keeps filling the milk saucer of fat cats in Washington, D.C. There are US interests supposedly being protected. But the trickle down effect of feeding, clothing, transporting, entertaining, employing and providing medical care for the United States military and our allies brings in big bucks. Making war big business, with little investment by the companies making the most profit. The spending does not end there. Add in the cost of training other countries military, police, medical and rebuilding after conflicts or wars keeps the money flowing out of Washington. The costs add up, and the bills keep coming. This makes the debt in the United States a prime element for economic collapse.
Such irresponsible borrowing and spending caused the financial disaster known as the Great Depression. Lack of laws about investment allowed greedy stock brokers to invest money, but not their own. All of the risks on the investor and not the banker or broker. Happening again in the form of the wealthy investing and being given bonds in return. Meaning, these entities, corporations, persons literally own a piece of the American Pie. A pie that made from the blood, sweat and hard work of Americans and American taxpayers. While they walk away with fatter wallets, they also have the bonds or investment backed by borrowed money. Historically, the 1 % of the population that controls the wealth, controls the government. This 1 % uses the money borrowed to make more money for themselves. With war being a cash cow, World War II created enough spending to bring the United States out of the Great Depression.
National Debt Clock |
Seymour Durst, felt it necessary enough to highlight the National Debt, that he installed the first National Debt Clock, in New York City. At the time, the national debt remained under $3 trillion. Only once has the clock been shut off, from 2000 to 2002 as the debt had actually begun to drop.
As the US National Debt is currently running, it will top over 17,000,000,000,000 dollars in a few weeks. That equals $ 148,000 per taxpayer. The total US Debt, with interest is reaching $ 59,000,000,000,000! See it for yourself:
World Debt Clock
As people learn that the top holder of debts in the United States is by United States citizens, American entities, state and local governments, pension funds, mutual funds and the Federal Reserve they become leery. This share of the national debt: 67.5 %. Over the years persons, corporations, and lawmakers have borrowed from other sources in the government to meet financial obligations. The favored borrowed from are pension funds, mutual funds, Social Security, Medicare and Medicade. Most of these are monies paid in by tax payers, as preparation for retirement, old age or disability. As many people are aging out, or will be soon. Many are finding their pensions and retirement funds shrunk or spent. Leaving many with too little to live. Putting people such as nurses, school teachers, government employees, military and city employees on the brink of financial ruin instead of the payoff of a comfortable retirement. The difficult issue for these former workers to accept being working hard, saving, living with in their means only to find out the pensions and retirement plans cut, some by up to 50 %.
So, it is just a matter of time, when the wolf will be at the door. Question is: How ready are you and your family?
For more information on irresponsible governmental spending read:
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