Where to Start Preparing
People who are joining the movement to ensure their own and their families survival during and after the next Economic collapse, are called Preppers. Preparing for survival is no joking matter. As many believe that our financial market, banks and monetary system will collapse before 2016. That is only three years away. Depending on who you are discussing the issue with, there are various ideals as to the causation. And with the multiple of causation, there are just as many differed opinions of what to expect. Let them fight it out on the street corner over the last loaf of bread. Because by being prepared, you will have a head start out of town.
Economic Collapse, many believe is baring down on us all. After all, if a business can not be run with more going out than coming in, how does a country expect to operate with more going out debt wise, than revenue being created?
Banks will close, leaving many with out funds. Wide spread panic will ensue as credit cards, bank cards or electronic checks will cease to work. Utilities will stop working and transportation will come to a halt. And shelves in grocery stores will be bare. Meaning delivery of fuels, medical supplies and food supplies may stop.
The Preppers Rule of Three:
The typical person can survive:
Three minutes with out oxygen
Three hours exposed to the elements
Three days with out water
Three weeks with out food
Where to begin can be overwhelming. So, here is the "Bug Out Bag Essentials", and that seems as good a place as any. To keep tucked away among your survival gear. Not just in case of the Economic Crisis, but we all saw the results of Hurricane Katerina and Hurricane Sandy. Our government is not prepared to react on a moments notice.
Bug Out Bags are created from back packs, and carry the most basic of essentials. Meant only to get you from where ever you are, to your Bug Out Spot; or made to carry out if you live in and have to leave your Bug Out Spot with out notice.
- Sturdy back pack or book bag
- Important papers: birth certificates, SS cards, identification, credit cards, bank books, insurance papers, living will, will, map, address book with physical addresses and Internet addresses of family members. Put in a large freezer style bag.
- Any cash, coin, gold, silver and items for emergency barter and trade.
- Survival Food: Three days rations that can be eaten, without cooking, water, or need for refrigeration. Like granola bars, cereal bars, candy, gum, small bags of chips.
- First aide and emergency medical kit, with eye wash.
- Compass, flash light, matches
- Socks
- Survival Personal care pack: tooth paste, toothbrush, tampons, personal wipes, hand sanitizer, liquid soap, wash cloth, sun screen
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