Grassroots Organizations

Grass Root Movements

Any where two or more people gather, with a single idea to improve their lives and have a positive impact on a broad scale, is a Grass Root Movement. Grass Root based social movements have happened throughout Americas history. From small, fledgling communities settling on the continent, before a government developed. To todays mass drives to give clothing, food stables, and shelter. Sometimes in our own
Our Standard: Old Glory
community, or across the world. Many of these groups, started off very small. Someone had an idea, and set it into motion. Think about it, America did not begin in a big White House, with Secret Service and corrupt law makers. The dream, started off in private homes, and grew! If we are going to restore America back to her former glory, then it won't start in Washington, but in our own homes and communities.

How Does This Happen In America?

No One Should Go Hungry
Fighting Hunger: A college assignment was to define my Utopia. When creating my list of topics to not have anyone every experience in my own little world, the first was hunger. Too many American children and adults go to bed hungry. Not sure of where the next meal will come from, or if there will be one. In a country, were there is so much food waste. Thrown out in the trash, and not donated to fight hunger. Not so many years ago, restaurants donated left over foods to local food banks and even to Meals on Wheels. There was a tax credit given to the business, for the cost of the food, the container delivered in and any payroll amount effected. A law to change that took effect, and stopped the tax credit. This harmed some restaurants, and has left many without a means to secure meals.
How to help: Most grocery stores, have a food bin for local food banks. Though my funds were very tight for a while, I donated my freebies from the grocery store. Those buy one/get one deals, where you buy an item and get an item for free, just simply put that free item in the bin. There are several groups or community based organizations that depend on donations from the local community. Our local park offers lunch for senior citizens, fed by donations. I have met retired teachers, former fire fighters, and even veterans by serving lunch to them.

 The Salvation Army feeds thousands of Americans daily.  But also provides clothing, house hold items, and back to school materials to children and teenagers across the country.  In some areas assistance with gas or electric bills is available.

The Greatest Donation YOU Can Make

While we all ponder, on what it will take to turn this country around, and raise her back to the standard of glory. Many do not know how to start. That is a complex question. There are so many ways, so many seeking help, and is overwhelming. Just remember, you are seeking to make a change, in our own community first. And that will spread, like grass-roots.

Habitat For Humanity
Your Time : The greatest, most rewarding donation you can make is of your time. If we all give an hour a week, then we could get this nation rolling again, in a positive direction.
Volunteer! There are always grass root movements seeking volunteers. It is easy, just find one and sign up. If you are wondering where, the answer is easy...every where.
Volunteer To Read
Volunteers Clean Up Road Sides

 The American Red Cross is often a first response to tragedy and emergency.  Though many associate the Red Cross with blood drives, it is also  there with clothing, food, shelter and resources to aid in National and International Assistance. 

 The Greatest Donation YOU Can Make

Your Time : The greatest, most rewarding donation you can make is of your time. If we all give an hour a week, then we could get this nation rolling again, in a positive direction.
Volunteer! There are always grass root movements seeking volunteers. It is easy, just find one and sign up. If you are wondering where, the answer is easy...every where.
